Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to project confidence whilst introverted - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to project confidence whilst introverted - Introvert Whisperer How to project confidence whilst introverted One of the main challenges for introverts is to appear confident while feeling anything but. It’s a skill that can come naturally to our more extroverted friends and colleagues, but ‘faking it til you make it’ isn’t usually one of our strengths. However, it’s still an important skill to develop if you want to get ahead in the world of work and there are many crucial moments in life when pretending to be confident can help you get through. A lot of it comes down to body language, with simple things like posture making a huge difference to how we appear to others. Standing in a hunched pose might help us feel more secure when doing something as unnatural as public speaking, but it makes you appear as nervous as you feel, whereas open gestures give the impression of confidence and authority. Another simple gesture that makes all the difference is whether or not you have your hands in your pockets. Again, this can feel like a good way to make yourself feel safe and secure when under pressure, but your audience will just see somebody who at best looks nervous and at worst looks untrustworthy, so keep your hands out of your pockets and use them to express your points. Eye contact can be another aspect of communication that is difficult for introverts, but that can be hugely important when trying to appear confident, so try and maintain natural eye contact throughout conversations. In the same way, the temptation to speak quickly so you can get to the end sooner rather than later is obvious, but won’t help you seem like someone who is worth listening to. You can read more tips on how to project confidence in this infographic from PoundPalace, so why not try them out in less stressful situations so you can use them when it counts?

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